Vestibular Neuritis
Vestibular Neuritis
Vestibular Neuritis is caused by inflammation of the vestibular nerve in the inner ear. This inflammation can be caused initially by a viral infection such as throat or ear infection but also by bacterial infections. The inflammation of the vestibular nerve causes impaired sensory information to be passed from the inner ear to the brain. This can lead to the following sympotms:
- Dizziness / Vertigo
- Light headedness
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Unsteadiness and decreased postural control.
Vestibular Neuritis can last for days but if left untreated can turn into a chronic condition with resultant poorer treatment outcomes.

How Can Physiotherapy Help?
Physiotherapy is a very useful way of treating vestibular neuritis just like labyrinthitis. It can help relieve symptoms, Your physiotherapist will evaluate how best to approach your care and programme needed. We can help in lots of ways such as:
- Minimise symptoms of dizziness
- Improve balance
- Encourage your brain to ignore the incorrect messages sent from your affected inner ear
- Reduce fatigue
- Improve walking
- Help to manage symptoms and return to normal actives
This will be achieved through exercises focussing on improving Gaze stability, Postural Control and habitualisation
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