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Vestibular Migraine

Vestibular Migraine

Vestibular migraine is the second most common cause of dizziness/vertigo after BPPV. Migraine is a complex neurological condition which can cause severe one sided throbbing ache/pain which generally can last up to 72 hours. Roughly 40% of people with migraine will have concurrent verstibular migraine symptoms. These symptoms include dizziness / vertigo, unsteadiness and visual aura amongst others.

Symptoms of vestibular migraine include:

  • Dizziness / vertigo
  • Nausea / vomiting
  • Unsteadiness/ postural instability
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Throbbing / pounding headache
  • Tinnitus
  • Disorientation

How Can Physiotherapy Help?

Assessment / diagnosis – Vestibular migraine can mimic BPPV, Meniere’s disease and other dizziness associated disorders. These conditions must be rules out prior to a diagnosis of Vestibular migraine can be generated. A comprehensive history of events and symptoms will be taken followed by an objective physical assessment consisting of ocular motor, balance / postural stability and positional tests.

Physiotherapy treatment will consist of a personalised vestibular rehabilitation exercise programme, postural correction, education and lifestyle modification. The exercises given will be carefully selected by your physiotherapist to correct the issues identified from the physical assessment which will enable the patient to self-manage and achieve the best treatment outcomes. 

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